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Pollster says over 70% of Russians trust Putin

MOSCOW, September 27. /TASS/. Over 73% of Russian citizens approve of the way Russian President Vladimir Putin performs his job, according to a poll conducted on September 16-22 and published by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM).
“The index of approval of the president’s activities amounted to 73.6% (a 0.8 p. p. rise),” VCIOM said.
A total of 48.7% of those polled said they approved of how the Russian government was running the country (a 0.5 p.p. rise), while 52.0% approve of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin’s job performance (a 0.4 p.p. rise).
According to the survey, 77.2% of Russians stated that they trusted the president. In addition, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin is trusted by about 60.6% of respondents, Chairman of the CPRF Gennady Zyuganov – 33.4%, leader of “A Just Russia – For Truth” Sergey Mironov received 29.0%, leader of the LDPR Leonid Slutsky – 22.2%, chairman of the New People party Alexey Nechaev – 9.7%.
The report notes that the number of Russians who support the United Russia party stands at 35.1%. In addition, the LDPR is supported by 11.4% of respondents, the CPRF – 9.8%, the “New People” party enjoys 6.9% of support, while “A Just Russia – For Truth” gained 3.6%.
